Q.1. Is Air Ambulance Services In Guwahati for any other city to shift patients?
Ans. Yes. Sewa Air Ambulance Services In Guwahati is for any other city to shift patients.
Q.2. Does Sewa successfully provide train ambulance services in Guwahati?
Ans. Yes, Sewa successfully provides train ambulance services in Guwahati
Q.3. Is Sewa available for patient transportation by road ambulance?
Ans. Yes, Sewa is available for patient transportation by road ambulance.
Q.4. Is Sewa 24/7 ready to shift patients from Guwahati to another city by train ambulance services?
Ans. Yes, Sewa is 24/7 ready to shift patients from Guwahati to another city by train ambulance services.
Q.5. What are Sewa’s costs of air/road/ train ambulance services?
Ans. Patna Ambulance’s services are very affordable and within budget for air/road/ train ambulance.
Q.6. Does Sewa provide an ICU setup, ventilator, and other medical equipment?
Ans. Yes, Patna Ambulance provides an ICU setup, ventilator, and other medical equipment.
Q.7. Does Sewa provide an experienced team for patient transportation?
Ans. Yes, Sewa provides an experienced team for patient transportation.
Q.8. Is Sewa risk-free for patient transportation?
Ans. Yes, Sewa is risk-free for patient transportation.
Q.9. Does Sewa take a hidden charge?
Ans. No, Sewa does not take a hidden charge.
Q.10. Is Sewa punctual in patient transportation?
Ans. Yes, Sewa is punctual in patient transportation.